Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Mutts' Endangered List     

   In Sunday's comics, "Mutts," one of the cats started an "endangered list." 

   When you read the list, see if you recognize three items also found among the fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22). 

   Endangered:   empathy   compassion   kindness   sympathy   decency   sensitivity   integrity   altruism   affection   benevolence   heart   tenderness   love   humanity   charity   grace   courtesy   tolerance   mercy   intelligence   leniency   understanding   common sense   goodwill   patience   wisdom. 

Inclined to Impeach  

   The Constitution has little to say about impeachment (Article II, Section 4) other than to give the U.S. House authority to do it - NO JURY - for conviction of "treason, bribery" and other...

   "High crimes and misdemeanors" can mean whatever politicians desire. Like the Constitution as a whole, this balancing of powers is only as "good" as the people in power. 

   We believe the House certainly will impeach the president. The goal is not Trump per se, but to win back the White House and its power. That he isn't likable as was Reagan, for example, makes it easier.

   Their only concern is assessing the voters. Would it backfire in 2020? 

   Of course, our founders added another layer of balance. Only the Senate can remove a president from office (Article I, Section 3) and that by two-thirds of the members present, with the chief justice presiding. 



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