Friday, November 29, 2019

Light From Above   

On a dark, winter night,
During a Great Depression,
Mother, assisted by a nurse,
I joined the Silent Generation.
Three years to the month,                  Hello, Mom! I'm born again!
They pounded Pearl from above.        He nailed my sins to a tree.
Little did I know then, a                      Follow me, He promised,
War underway for my love.                 And I will set you truly free.
                  V                                                           V
We learned the Golden Rule,               Love is mine, salvation too.
And for sinners Jesus died.                  Forgiveness - check it off.
How glad I wasn't one of them.          I give you what He gave,
I lied.                                                    I'm done with goofing off.
                  V                                                           V
Sunday mornings were for God;          But now my nature old 
I gladly gave him that.                         Is jealous of the new!
The rest of the week was free;            Remember me I say to me,
You see, I was blind as a bat.              O Lord, what am I to do?
                   V                                                          V
O the dove, sent from Above;              Your condemnation I removed;
Someone waits for you and I,              You dishonor me in flesh.
A light to deliver sight,                         Bring your trash to me alone, 
When we meet him eye to eye.             And I will make you fresh.
                   V                                                            V
My efforts not good enough;                 I sent my Spirit to help you
At once, my way was blocked.              Grow because I love you so.
Who will help me find a path?               You are my child and know
I'm desperate, really shocked!              That I will never let you go.
                    V                                                          V
Hurling, hurting to the furnace,             Talk with me and read my Word,
What will He answer me?                       My burden it is light.
I'll give him days and nights                  Glorify me throughout each day 
If only He'll let me see.                           And I'll be there each night. 
                    V                                                          V
I've been searching all along,                The Rider is coming from Above;
Here since day number three.                I do not know about the strife.
My grace is amazing, power too,            I only know, because He said,
If only you will come to me.                   I'm grafted to the Tree of Life. 

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