Monday, November 25, 2019

Explosive Testimony?      
   My assignment in journalism school up North was to analyze the St. Petersburg Times, a well respected newspaper then, and write a report. I have no recollection of my (cough) analysis.

   Decades and newer media have been cruel to the Times and its journalists. After a merger with Tampa's paper, it is now the Tampa Bay Times. 

   Like most city papers, it leans liberal, but last week a front page headline made my journalistic skin crawl.

   This is not a pro-Trump or anti-Dem blog. It's about journalistic integrity, which is fast disappearing in America.

   We watched little of the House impeachment inquiry, but we did catch testimonies by a few "witnesses," including U.S. ambassador Gordon Sondland. Republicans on the intelligence committee - which is now the impeachment committee - were allowed to ask questions. 

   One by one, witnesses, after delving into all kinds of background drivel, admitted that Trump broke no laws nor did he commit an impeachable offense. Sondland himself was left to confess that his charges were strictly speculation." 

   The Times headline the very next day screamed, Sondland Implicates White House. "He delivered the most explosive testimony yet..." 

   If you don't know, Democrats deliver daily talking points to TV networks and probably to print newsrooms as well. See for yourself by searching for news on all channels, except Fox. The key words that day were - "explosive testimony." 

   The article mentioned "compelling moments," giving the impression that Trump and his associates are bad dudes. 

   There's more. The Times article was written by Bloomberg News, part of Bloomberg L.P., a financial, software and media business founded by progressive billionaire Michael Bloomberg. Guess who joined the 2020 race and has every incentive to oppose the president. 



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