Monday, November 18, 2019

Behind the Berlin Wall      

   One local man, Fritz Will, among many who celebrated the 30th anniversary of the wall's demise, remembers the day in 1989: 

   "I was there with my hammer and chisel to get a piece of history. It was a very happy moment, but I had tears in my eyes.

   "I used to live in West Germany and drove three hours to Berlin to see what was happening. So many happy people were coming from the East. They were finally free.

   "As Communists, they were all 'equal' in the eyes of the government. 
No one was motivated to work a little harder to get ahead. 

   "You had to wait 10 years for a car; there was no material to fix your house. That's socialism. 

   "Just ask yourself: Why did the people in East Germany want to come to the West - under any circumstances?"
   And we ask, if American life is so unfair that we need to elect leftist politicians, why would so many people flock to the United States - possibly half the world - if it was possible?  

Reorganizing Views?
   The Tampa Bay Times reorganized itself with sections devoted to: Health & Medicine, Your Money, The Environment, Science & Technology and Notable Deaths. 

   Maybe we should do as they did. Here's a trial run: 
  Health & Medicine  
   The better the health, the less medicine.
Your Money   
   Yes, but everyone wants it, including thieves. 
The Environment   
   It's much better now in Tampa than in Minneapolis.  
Science & Technology    
   Artificial intelligence. Views imitates intelligent journalism five days a week.
Notable Deaths  
   Alexander. Bonaparte. Hitler. Washington, Lincoln. Presley. Tolstoy.
What do you think?
Cross words   
   "Father, forgive them..."


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