Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Who's Afraid of the Big Bad...?   

   The No. 1 fear among Americans, according to a 2017 survey 
by Chapman University...government officials.  
   Three quarters of Americans fear government officials. Half or more fear government, Trumpcare, pollution, and running out of money. On the list of 80 fears, those named by 30 to 48 percent include world events and threats, nature and various financial setbacks. About 48 percent fear climate change.

   Twenty-some percent fear harm to person or property, and other acts of nature and its creatures. Illegal immigration that we hear so much about concerns 20 percent. 

   Below 20 percent are Americans concerned about police brutality, whites losing majority status, large volcano eruption, people talking behind their backs, clowns! ghosts! and zombies! 

   The ranking does not correlate with the level of actual risk. For example, 25 percent fear sharks, which account for a handful of deaths per year throughout the world, while only 3.7 percent fear dogs, which kill 25,000 per year. Insects don't worry as many people (20 percent) as sharks, but mosquitoes kill 50,000 per year. 

   Twenty percent fear dying. There's a wonderful cure for that. READ THE BIBLE! 

   Yeh. Maybe some people see too many ghost & zombie movies.

   As for us...spare me the drunk driver. How about you?



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