Thursday, August 9, 2018

Visiting the Stumpnocker     

   What? You never heard of a stumpnocker?

   Neither did we until Wednesday when Mrs. Donut's 
cousin chose a meeting place about midway between 
our homes. It had been a couple years since we've seen her and her husband, Jerry.   
   Ignoring well-known restaurant chains in Inverness, Florida, she picked the Stumpnocker. 
We found directions on the Internet. 

   A stumpnocker is a small fish, usually called a sun fish, or crappie. There are boats and a beer by the same name. Florida has a number of restaurants, like Stumpnocker on the Square, Stumpnocker by the River, etc. 

   With Mrs. Donut's sister and husband, we six entered this rustic looking restaurant for lunch. Inside were a couple alligator hides nailed to the wall, and other Florida things. Inside an old public phone booth was a Superman costume.

   Don't 'nock the name. Our food was delicious. Four of us ordered chicken pot pie, a nice surprise with a small salad. I may never again bother with a grocery-store pot pie.  

   While cousins reminisced and caught up on "relative" matters, Jerry, who grew up near Cleveland, and I recalled our youth passions for the Indians and Browns. We remembered ball players of the 1950s, and Jerry recalled going to old Municipal Stadium on bus trips arranged for kids. One could see a major league game for about $3, until players unionized and changed everything for the better, for themselves. Okay. 

   When I brought up football, I learned that Jerry too was in the stadium for the 1964 NFL championship (the super game before the Super Bowl), when the Browns beat the Colts, 27-0. I still have my ticket stub. Cost of admission: $10. 

   As we heard on All in the Family with Archie Bunker, "Those were the days." 


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