Thursday, August 23, 2018

'Impeach Him,' They Yell       

   Americans clinging to hope that Robert Mueller's investigators yet may find an impeachable offense by our president - and use that as a springboard to replace our democratic/capitalist system - might consider the French Revolution. 

   "Revolutions seem fun at first - until they turn against their own," wrote Andree Seu Peterson in WORLD magazine some time ago. Such behavior is part of the human condition.

   Paul wrote to the Galatians, 4:18, It is fine to be zealous, provided the purpose is good. And in 5:15, If you keep on biting and devouring each other, watch out or you will be destroyed by each other. 

   Of course, resisters and their "useful idiots" (as the Soviets called their Western supporters, especially in the U.S.) aren't guided by the Bible, are they? Jeanine Pirro waded into the huge women's march following Donald Trump's inauguration, unable to find even one woman who knew exactly why she was marching, or was it they couldn't name a right is being denied to women? 

   Anyway, Peterson adds, when the purpose is not good, "Violence is its own intoxicant." She cites the riot in Acts 19: Now, some cried out one thing, some another, for the assembly was in confusion, and most did not know why they had come together. v.32

   "Great was the disillusionment of naive supporters," Peterson writes, "when the (French) bloodbath ... swallowed up not only Royalists but even moderates and finally revolutionary architect Maximilien Robespierre himself." 

   Before his execution, a pro-revolutionary journalist wrote to his wife, "I have dreamed of a Republic such as all the world would have adored. I could never have believed that men could be so ferocious and so unjust."  

   Finally, Peterson quotes a poem by William Wordsworth, age 19 when the French Revolution began, implying that those for whom happiness must be found in "the very world ... or not at all" subject themselves to the ravage of swords. 

   Could a France-like event happen in today's America? Voters can send Trump back to his tower in 2020, if they wish; until then, let's stop devouring.



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