Friday, August 3, 2018

Number One (worldly) Fear     

   Following up, all 80 of the fears listed in the survey are threats - real or imagined - to ourselves in one way or another. They vary in likelihood, in severity, and some fears apply only to certain lifestyles or habits. Some, like sharks, are totally avoidable.

   We agree with the 74.5 percent of Americans who say "corrupt government officials" is a fear. Here, we define "corrupt" as those who would have a "world state" replace our nation state, and "universal persons" replace U.S. citizens - the "common good." They're acting in plain sight every day. 

   This, we're told, is a bi-partisan cartel, the establishment dividing us "deplorables" into tribes (diversity), replacing democracy with central control:
     political parties
     political professionals 
< Hypocrites >

   We don't worship Donald Trump. But, friends, he is all that is standing between democracy and oligarchy. Look it up. 

   Originalist Supreme Court justices can slow the tide, but lesser players collectively don't have power enough to fend off the entrenched who are looking out for themselves. It's human nature. 

   If all 74.5 percent of Americans who fear government officials voted that way, democracy might be safe. But, we want these same "corrupt" officials to give us things, so we play into their hands. (For every dollar we give government, it keeps 70 cents for itself.)    

Tomorrow: The good fear 

Don't miss it

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