Saturday, August 11, 2018

Where There Is No Fear      

   Mrs. Donut will tell you that her husband often remarks, 
"There is no fear of God with (insert the names)." 

   See last Saturday's posted blog: A Fear That Conquers All.

   David knew three millenniums ago. Here it is, in Psalm 36:1 -
...concerning the sinfulness of the wicked: there is no fear of God. 

   And in verse 2: For in his own eyes he flatters himself too much to detect or hate his sin. 

   David didn't know the liars who are fouling our political discourse today, but he pegged them well: 
...they ceased to be wise...
...he commits himself to a sinful course...
...he does not reject what is wrong...

From our commentary: 
   Hatred of sin is a feature of God's character, and therefore is a mark of those indwelt with the Holy Spirit. 

   In Proverbs 6, God hates a lying tongue...hands that shed innocent blood (the unborn?)...a heart that devises wicked schemes...a false witness...a man who stirs up dissension. 

   Let those who love the Lord hate evil. Ps. 97:10.

   For with you (Lord) is the fountain of lifein your light we see light.
             Ps. 36:9.


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