Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Hiring for $uccess      

   Old stereotypes for hiring employees are...just old, says John Boitnott, a journalist and digital consultant. He thinks hiring employees might be the most important part of any business, and it's not easy. Here are his seven characteristics that today's strong employees share:

Ability to adapt. The best employees can swiftly adapt to changing realities. Learning new things is more important than existing knowledge.

Culture fit. A strong culture is where everyone collaborates and thrives. Creating this culture starts with the hiring process. The "fit" is just as important as intelligence or qualifications. 
(Google and the U.S. Government seem to do this well. JD)

Openness to new technology. Employees have to understand the role technology plays. Those who embrace new advances spur innovation and growth. 

Honesty. This is old, but still vital. Honest employees enhance relationships with colleagues and customers. Those willing to admit their shortcomings and protect company reputation are apt to succeed.

Able to take criticism. People who can take criticism in a constructive manner will improve, be easier to work with, and create less drama. No one is perfect. 

Passion. Those who are internally motivated simply do more. They have drive for what they are doing, the self-starters, not motivated by hours or pay. They spread the wealth around them. 

Action oriented. Top employees value actions over words. They test things and get moving. 

Our thoughts: Some of the above traits
could well apply to any endeavor, 
non-business committee, etc. 

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