Thursday, August 3, 2023

Will Our Pillars Stand? 

     You have seen photos of ancient cities in Turkey, Italy and Greece. Pillars of once-important buildings are all that's left of their former glory. 

     Will Christian influence, common law, private property and a free economy continue to mark the U.S.A. in our lifetimes? Not if Marxists and oligarchs have their way.  

     When American settlers began to expand, the fastest mode was by horse. There were no elementary schools for decades, and all but one of the eastern colleges was Christian oriented. 

     No one was wealthy. Later, there was slavery mostly in the South.  Settlers in the Midwest ignored the rules, and it paid off with "squatters rights," celebrated today by U. of Oklahoma "Sooners." 

    We read that President Thomas Jefferson worked alone in the White House during the Lewis & Clark expedition. It was Jefferson who wanted all territory placed in private hands. Didn't happen.

     To sum up - no electricity, radio, TV, phones, drilled oil, autos, airplanes, rubber, steel, satellites and little medicine. George Washington was a reluctant president. Now, we get 20 or more candidates wanting to rule the roost. Many departments were added since World War II. Everything we invented can be used against us. Lying is expected.  

     Many in Congress are there to gain wealth and power. Democratic Senator Strom Thurmond, South Carolina, who opposed civil rights, focused on his voters. In 2003, then a Republican, as he - mentally gone - neared his goal of "serving" until age 100, guess who encouraged him most: Democratic Senator Joe Biden. 

     In Rome, only the elite mattered. Will our pillars survive?



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