Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Tonight's the Night 

     Oh goody! 

     Those who don't have near the support as Donald Trump, a no-show, will compete tonight in the first Republican debate. They say each candidate is very nervous today. No kidding. 

     Who knows, we may end up voting for one of them. Eight years ago, when I prepared for the same debate, determined to decide for myself who is best suited to lead our executive branch, here's what happened. 

     I took a large sheet of paper and drew horizontal and vertical lines. Across the top I listed the major subjects. Down the left side I listed the names of each candidate.

     During the debate, I summarized each answer in the appropriate block, and hoped my winner(s) would stand out. Not. 

     No question was directed to most candidates, and in fact there was nothing on my "scoreboard" to separate winner(s) and losers. 

     Tonight, there is an interview with Trump, already recorded, which Newsmax will air, purposely while Fox News is hosting the debate. It's about stealing audience.  

     Fox, Newsmax and all the channels wedded to Democrats will keep their loyal viewers no matter who is elected. So why bother with the information needs of the voters?  

     Remember the Democrats' two debates four years ago? No winners. The South Carolina politician went on TV and told the voters who to choose in their election. Joe Biden (not a winner) was the choice from then on. And the party chose the vice president, also not a debate winner. 


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