Saturday, August 26, 2023

Two thirds of divorcees say... 

     There are many reasons people choose to file for divorce: lack of family support, infidelity, and compatibility are the top three. 

     But, almost all of those surveyed believe their union could have been saved by one factor or another. Only 5 percent said they don't think anything could have fixed their partnership. 

     Here are the top five factors that divorcees believe could have saved their marriage. 

1. A better understanding of the commitment of marriage prior to marrying. 

2. A better understanding of the values and morals of their partner prior to marrying. 

3. Waiting longer to start a family.

4. Seeking professional help from a therapist or a couples' counselor.

5. Waiting longer to get married. 

     If this list doesn't apply to your circumstance, keep it anyway. You may be able to share something helpful to a friend or family member, married or not. 

     You may prevent a divorce and even help spare a youngster the long-lasting hurt that a divorce might cause.


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