Sunday, August 6, 2023

Strong Delusion 

     After the Supreme Court's final decision on June 30, CNN's home page headline read: "Conservatives are on a roll to remake America through the courts." 

     Actually, the reconfiguring began in 1916 when President Woodrow Wilson, a Democrat, nominated liberal Louis Brandeis to the high court, leading to the first confirmation fight in U.S. history.

     Wilson and other progressives saw the courts as launching pads for social reform. Legal academics began turning law schools into incubators for lawyers who would practice "sociological jurisprudence" - making social and economic arguments instead of arguing the law. 

     Paul wrote to believers at Thessalonica that in the last days the "lawless" one would deceive "those who are perishing, because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. Therefore, God sends them a strong delusion, so that they may believe what is false."

     We seem to have crossed from reinventing truth to an outright rejection of reality. 

     Killing unborn babies is healthcare. Child mutilation promotes mental health. Helping people commit suicide is compassionate, as is euthanizing the sick and disabled. These and other insane positions are now mainstream. Tens of millions are living in a miasma (oppressive atmosphere) of lies. 

     People may think they are really doing the right thing. 

     It's also heartbreaking when a holy God gives people what they insist they want.

Lynn Vincent, WORLD magazine

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