Wednesday, August 9, 2023

Christian America???  

     Is "Christian America" the same thing as the Body of Christ?

     Over the next few days, we provide insights from Michael Horton, a professor in California, who has researched these matters beginning with our founders. We hope you find this as fascinating as we do.

     Horton: "Christ is the head of a new creation. It's all about him, as he delivers himself to sinners through preaching and teaching, baptism and Communion. That's the Great Commission (Matt. 28:18-20).

     "Any church that loses interest in Jesus' commission fades away, just part of the desert again. Liberal Protestants still wear the shirt but are playing a different game. Evangelicalism seems precariously close behind.

     "Many feel they are playing the 'Christian Nation' game in a heated tournament with the 'Progressive Agenda' team. Churches that just wear the shirt become part of the political right or left...something other than Martin Luther's A Mighty Fortress is Our God ... a word above all earthly powers. 

     "At both political extremes one discerns a deeply religious vision...but is not Christian. It's object of worship is not the triune God but America. Christian nationalism is not merely a white phenomenon. Sixty-five percent of African Americans support Christain nationalism. Hispanics are split evenly, as are whites overall."

Tomorrow: Is Christian Nationalism Biblical?


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