Sunday, August 13, 2023

No Christ in U.S. Constitution

by Michael Horton

     "James Madison intentionally did not write Christianity into the U.S. Constitution. His personal faith is ambiguous, although he became a Presbyterian. 

     "He studied at Princeton, because John Witherspoon - a minister and signer of the Declaration of Independence - was president there. Many of the founders learned moral philosophy and theology from him. 

     "Witherspoon shared the view of Luther and Calvin that although humanity is created in God's image, it is fallen. Children of Adam are not capable of justification before God by their own efforts. And yet, the image of God is only corrupted, not destroyed. 

     "Even the unregenerate are capable of civic righteousness (virtuous acts). Yet there must be checks on power because of moral depravity. There should be several political institutions preventing one gaining inordinate power over the others. Calvin did not believe that one form of government is universal. However, checks on power are essential. 

     "Witherspoon preached in a sermon, 'Man is considered as in a fallen and sinful state.' However, government cannot heal the wound of original sin and its effects, but it can restrain injustice, violence and vice. This thinking was totally counter to that of the French Revolution, which was based on the moral perfectibility of humanity."

Note: Today's far left now controlling the Democratic Party claims humans will be morally perfect if society stops punishing lawbreakers and provides equality of income to all. They are experimenting in cities. 

Next: Government must control itself


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