Tuesday, May 9, 2023

Who Wants a Master?  

     A 19th-century theologian said, "The first duty of every soul is to find - not its freedom - but its Master? 

     Who wants a master? A Canadian psychologist with 40,000 hours of counseling experience, says:

     "You don't get away with anything. You will pay the piper. People's lives take a twist, and they go very badly wrong. And when you walk back their lives with them, you come to choice points where you meet the devil at the crossroads. You find out that you went left, and downhill, when you should have gone right and uphill. Now you're paying the price for that."

     Columnist Andree Seu Peterson wrote, "If I were 14 again, I would ruin my life all over again because I didn't know my Master. Paul says, 'What benefit did you reap at the time from the things you are now ashamed of? Those things result in death.'" (Romans 6:21) 

     "They told us in church that Jesus paid it all. We are forgiven! True, and yet while God forgave David, the king's illicit child still died. And God sent Nathan to ensure David knew that death was the price of his sin." 

Next: Peterson quotes Jane Russell 

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