Friday, May 5, 2023

Do the Dead Speak?  

     The disciple Peter, a fisherman, was crucified in Rome during the reign of Nero. This is not in scripture, but we're told he wanted to be hung upside down, because he wasn't worthy to die as Jesus did. This is the disciple who swore that he didn't know the man, changing his attitude three days later. If history is accurate:

     James, son of Zebedee, was executed by Herod about 44 AD.

     James, the Greater, was beheaded in Jerusalem. 

     Simon the Zealot was crucified in Persia. 

     Jude/Thaddeus was crucified in Edessa. 

     Bartholomew/Nathanel was flayed, then beheaded in Armenia.

     Andrew was crucified in Greece. 

     Thomas was speared to death in India. 

     Matthew/Levi was speared to death in Ethiopia.

     These men weren't treated savagely for who they were, but for what they were doing - taking the good news of salvation to the world. Satan couldn't tolerate that. 

     Yes, their actions speak loudly. They knew the resurrected Jesus, and threat of death wasn't going to stop them from speaking truth. John witnessed as well, and the Lord spared him for the Revelation, much of its information yet to occur. 

     This concludes our 4-part series on those who carried on despite the physical absence of their leader, Jesus Christ. 

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