Friday, May 12, 2023


The Hilarious Irony 

     "People don't like commands because they think happiness is doing whatever they want to do," writes Andree Peterson. "By which they mean following their urges."

     "If you want a miserable, self-destructive life, go ahead and follow your urges. Paul calls such a life being 'taken captive to do his (the devil's) will'" 2 Timothy 2:26

     "What if the hilarious irony is that happiness comes through having a Master, not freedom? What if God's commands in the Bible are designed to create in us the character God wants us to bring into heaven?"

     "What if they (commands) take us on a journey where all our self-destructive tendencies are dealt with? Jesus our Savior becomes Jesus our Lord. His ways are a yoke to wear, side by side with him in the other collar, showing us the traces, and actually doing the heavy lifting, if we yield to Him."  

     "But now that you have been set free from sin and have become slaves of God, the benefit you reap leads to holiness, and the result is eternal life" (Romans 6:22). 

     "Call me a happy slave who's found her Master," Peterson concludes.

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