Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Serving a Good Master 

     "Jane Russell was a Hollywood sex symbol in the 1940s and 50s," writes Andree Peterson. "She learned the hard way that serving a Good Master was a much better deal than wallowing in so-called freedom." 

     Russell later wrote in her Autobiography:

     "Mom had to be upset...but she prayed for me and read the Bible. All I could see was the good Lord and how much He loved me in spite of myself. Mother said, 'Daughter, the Ten Commandments are like the guardrails on the mountain passes. The Lord puts those white guardrails there to protect you, not to restrict you.' 

     "If you crash through, you go over the side, but if you give Him all the pieces, He'll put you back together."  

     "I did, and He slowly healed me. (She had a serious infection) No one, but no one, could ever tell me again that there wasn't a God and that I didn't need Him." 

Next: A happy slave

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