Monday, May 8, 2023

All Out Invasion

     It's coming this week. The pent-up emotions of hundreds of thousands of immigrants ... about to burst. 

     Some will be needy, desperate people not served by their countries of birth. Others will be criminals, drug runners, human traffickers and who knows what. All arriving after paying cartels to lead or otherwise let them through. 

     Well, not all. Some died along the way.

     The political left, which aims to destroy and remake America, is in charge. They will have their way, or bolt the Democratic Party. Moderate Democrats go along to save their seats of privilege.   

     It's cozy to be on the home team. For some, it's not about legislation. It's the millions they can make on insider trading. Supporting the political war effort are corporations, educators, legal fakes, bureaucrats and other enterprises, including most of the news media.

     Another four years of Trump might give us a break, but the fortress of Washington is not going to surrender. Ever. Look at the cities! Look at the Biden family which is skating free - so far - despite their lucrative practice of selling out America. 

     Does God save Americans. Yes. Will he save the nation? Before you answer that, read the first chapter of the book of Romans.






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