Sunday, May 14, 2023

 Then There Were Ten 

     Who are we Americans if not the most free people of the world..."with liberty and justice for all?" 

     So, what do we do with our liberty? Would that all of us agree. 

     Long ago, God delivered his people from Egyptian bondage. Well, they had to hike it to Mt. Sinai. After a display of fear - thunder, lightning, a loud trumpet, fire and smoke, while the mountain trembled - God gave Moses ten commandments. Exodus 20:1-17.

     Law wasn't salvation. They were already saved by the blood of Passover lambs and delivered from slavery. The law was to teach them how God wanted them to live - toward both their Redeemer and their neighbors.  

     In the old and new testaments, trust in God and his word and heartfelt love for him is the foundation for keeping his commandments. Salvation was never about perfection. A sacrificial system that provided forgiveness was necessary. 

     In my youth, our church in unison quoted the Ten Commandments every Sunday. They were/are, good for behavior. Jesus said the law will not pass away...not even a jot or tittle (tiny marks). 

     What I should have learned - sooner - was that the law was not complete. It was a guardian for God's people until the old covenant was replaced by the new. We all need to repent. Jesus is our Passover Lamb. "If we walk in the light, as he is in the light, the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin." 1 John 1:7. 

     Back to America. The more we ignore our Passover Lamb, the darker will be our national walk. We will join the list of history's "has-beens."   

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