Saturday, June 11, 2022

The Supernatural Finish 

     We hope you have been blessed so far by our series, "knowing the Bible through its miracles." 

     Originally thought to last a couple weeks, starting April 12, our Friday edition was day number 44. Beginning Monday, we provide 14 additional chapters to finish this story of stories. 

     Get ready. The book of Revelation is out-of-this-world. There is judgment, and there is everlasting life. The future is coming. When you hear a trumpet call, run for cover.  😇

     Decide for yourself what John's visions may teach us. 

     These 14 "chapters" will be taken directly out of Scripture. Even the words without quotes - " - will be based on words in the Word. 

     There are Christian pastors who won't go near the book of Revelation, for whatever reason. 

     We have the impression after again reading chapter 22, Revelation is mandatory study for the churches, and anyone else who is curious about God and their place in eternity.  



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