Thursday, June 2, 2022

A Moment in God's Time

     The miracles of resurrection and ascension are complete. 

     God's grand purpose unfolds in Jerusalem, the "beautiful city." 

     In this moment of God's time, Adam's fallen descendants now have opportunity for forgiveness. And God himself is available, to live within them. With God nothing is impossible. 

     Satan will continue to deceive, for centuries to come. But Satan's days are numbered.

     The Lord turns his full attention to the entire world. It is his creation. He wants it back. That is, he wants the souls of those made in his image to spend eternity with him, eventually in a new heaven and earth. 

     The deal? Angels saw him, and disobeyed. Humans don't see him, yet some will believe, shaming the fallen angels.

     People will cancel other people, but God welcomes souls who believe in the Son, people who trust and obey. Those who die once, but not twice. 

     On the outside, there are differences, but every soul is loved and has a narrow road, a narrow gate through which to escape the coming wrath.

     Salvation through Christ is offered, first to the Jew, then to the Gentile.

     Miracles help. Old Testament Scriptures help. New Testament Scriptures provide additional details. 

     The Lord captured Saul, the Pharisee of Pharisees and directed him to an alternate road, under the name Paul. He suffered much to carry the good news to Gentiles, while intensely concerned about fellow Jews who refused to believe. 

     Abraham's son was spared when God provided a lamb to die in his place. We who believe - daily - are spared by the grace and mercy of the Lamb of God who died in our place. And rose to life. 

     We welcome the presence of the Holy Spirit to help and to guide. 

Tomorrow: Good news underway




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