Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Millennium Life  

     What could have been if not for sin.

     The thousand-year reign of Christ was foretold in Isaiah chapters 9 and 65, Daniel 7, Micah 4, Zechariah 14 and Revelation 2. 

     This period will be shared by the faithful, and possibly Old Testament saints - Ezekiel 37, Ephesians 2 and 3, Hebrews 11 - and martyred tribulation saints. They will minister to and rule Israel and other nations: Zephaniah 3 and Matthew 19.

     We believe, when Jesus taught that resurrected people will help rule in proportion to how "rich toward God" they were while humans, the millennium is the time. 

     There will be peace, safety, prosperity and righteousness: Isaiah chapter 2, Micah 4 and Zechariah 9. Nature will be restored to its original order: Psalm chapters 96 and 98, Isaiah 14, 35, 51, 55 and 65, Ezekiel 36 and Romans 8. 

     This is the era Jews have expected all these centuries. They will be honored by Gentiles

     Nations will be obliged to continue in faith in Christ and obedience to his rule. However, as it is today, he will not save a person of age who does not follow his Way. 

    That explains how Satan can return after a thousand years and deceive many, one last time. 

     The judgment described here is called the "Great White Throne Judgment" and includes the lost of all ages. 

     The disappearance of earth and sky may refer to the destruction of the universe and creation of a new heaven and earth: Isaiah chapter 51, 2 Peter 3. 

     Jesus will hand the kingdom to the Father - 1 Corinthians 15:24. 

     Then begins the final and everlasting kingdom of God and the Lamb, in the new heaven and new earth. No humanity as we know it.   

Tomorrow: The New Jerusalem


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