Wednesday, June 1, 2022

The Objective   

     U.S. 19 is a broad road through the county. Most anything a person needs can be bought on this busy road.  

     However, to reach a world-famous beach, one must turn off 19 and follow an alternative to the beautiful coast. Alt 19 doesn't offer the opportunities available on U.S. 19.  

     However, Alt 19 leads to blue skies, ocean sparkling in the sun, sand, sea shells, beach chairs and more. 

     The disciples brought their 153 miracle fish to the shore, fried some over the fire Jesus prepared, and ate heartily. 

     Peter and the others had spent their lives traveling the broad road. They expect their Messiah will join them there, in the Promised Land. No more Roman overlords.  

     They still don't understand their teacher suffered the penalty all deserve. Or that he will offer salvation to all who believe, becoming the true children of Abraham, genetic or not.  

     The broad road remains their identity, which God indeed will reward ... someday. Future blessings are in store. But, for each individual to be part of that blessed number, he or she must first walk the narrow way, the alternative. And they must share the road with believers of different identities. 

     Breakfast over, Jesus asks Peter, who had lied three times about being a disciple, Simon, son of John, do you love me? Yes Lord, you know that I love you. Again, Simon, son of John, do you truly love me? Yes Lord, you know that I love you. Once more, Simon, do you love me? 

     Peter was hurt. "Lord, you know all things; you know that I love you."

     Jesus had used a word for unconditional love. Peter answered with a word for personal friendship. 

     Jesus: Follow me. You must follow me. 

Tomorrow: Two imperatives for salvation


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