Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Devastating Judgments   

     No other human in history has seen and heard what God has revealed to the elderly disciple John ... all to be shared with mankind until the end of the age. 

     The Lamb opens the seals in Revelation chapter 6. There will be unprecedented suffering and judgment. Four horses represent God's judgment on the corrupt world system. "Peace is taken from the earth." 

     This tribulation will be a time of violence, murder and war. 

     A black horse symbolizes famine, scarce necessities, high prices and hunger. A pale horse symbolizes death by war, plagues, disease and evil beasts.

     John sees those in heaven who have been "martyred for their faith in Christ and the truth of his Word." They are told "to have patience, for many more will die for their faith."  

     Those on earth who never heard the gospel will be given opportunity to be saved. Those who heard the gospel before the rapture and continue to live in sin will receive a powerful delusion. 

     John sees a great earthquake. "The sun turns black and the moon blood red. Stars fall from the sky, which rolls up, and every mountain and island is removed."

     "The kings of the earth, princes, generals, the rich and mighty, and every slave and free man will hide in caves and among the rocks. They will plead for death, fearing the wrath of the Lamb." 

     We get it. God warns us not to love the world. 

Tomorrow: Contrast. Those in white robes



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