Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Getting His Attention

     Paul the Israelite wrote to Roman believers that while Israel would again fall on hard times, there will be "a remnant chosen by grace." 

     Not only Jews, but those of other "faiths" and atheists have opportunity - not to become Christians, per se. Someone in Antioch - not God - began calling believers "Christians," and it stuck.  

     The Lord calls people to the "Way." It is the Way of the cross. The narrow way to forgiveness is the Son of God's sacrifice on our behalf. We follow him rather than worldly ways. He gave us knowledge in print, and he lives within us by his Spirit.  

     We don't choose Christ. He chooses those who come to him in repentance. Unlike Muslims, Jews may keep their traditions. There was no law when God approved Abraham's faith.   

     If suffering follows, well, Jesus suffered and died first. 

     So, how did elite, Pharisee Saul find the "Way?" In his special case, Jesus spoke to him from heaven with a blinding light, asking, Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me? 

     "Who are you sir?" Saul asked. 

     I am Jesus. Now get up and go into the city and you will be told what you must do. 

     More miracles followed. In a vision the Lord told a man where to find Saul and what Saul was chosen to accomplish. And Saul himself had a vision of the man who would come and restore his sight. 

     The Lord told wary follower, Ananias, This man is my chosen instrument to carry my name before the Gentiles ... and before the people of Israel. I will show him how much he must suffer for my name.

     Saul thereafter was called Paul. He received the Holy Spirit, left Damascus at night, over the wall to elude would-be killers, and began to preach in the synagogues. 

     Opposition forced him to relocate to Tarsus, but that region of the world had not seen the last of apostle Paul. 

Tomorrow: Peter's vision 

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