Thursday, March 24, 2022

Truth About Badmouthing 

   It must be true that no one has broken up a marriage except the husband or wife, or both. 

   There are outside influences, homewreckers. But, only one or both of the people who agreed to marry can ultimately undo it. 

   Nations are like that, writes Andree Seu Peterson in WORLD magazine.

   Communist regimes have a problem, she says. They carry the seeds of their own destruction. The better off their people become, the more they will get ideas. Rulers must keep their grip, allow a hint of freedom, but not too much. 

   See North Korea. Then there is Hong Kong, which protested too much for the comfort of Xi Jinping and the Party. 

   We - America - are a lamp on a hill that Chinese and Russians cannot allow their people to envy. Why else does Russia mess with our elections?

   Why does Iran -  narrowly religious - call Israel "little Satan" and America the "great Satan?" If that isn't Satan pointing his finger elsewhere, what would it be?  

   Dictators may badmouth us, but us badmouthing ourselves is self-destruction, Peterson writes.  

   Countries defeated in war often rebuild. But, those destroyed from within come to an end. 

   In Matthew 12:25, Jesus said, Every kingdom divided against itself is laid waste, and no city or house divided against itself will stand. It is inner division that is fatal. 

   As for marriage, so for nations. We have a substantial population that wishes to cancel Judeo-Christian influence, our constitution and the economic system that - for better or worse - has made living more livable. Russia and China cannot destroy our heritage. Only we can do that.

   Ukrainians have it right, horrible as their current troubles are.




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