Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Give Me Liberty

   or Give Me Death! 

   So said Volodymyr Oleksandrovych Zelenskyy, wartime President of Ukraine. 

   Okay, we fib. It was Patrick Henry, urging the Virginia Convention to contribute troops for a possible revolution, March 23, 1775. Among his audience: Thomas Jefferson and George Washington. 

   Isn't this the same spirit with which Zelenskyy rallies his nation? This is the man who told the U.S. "I don't need a ride (to safety), I need weapons." 

   In fact, his life in 2022 warfare is far more at risk than Henry's in the horse and buggy 18th century. If the Russians find him, will someone include his middle name on his tombstone? 

   We continue to be somewhat shocked that one nation is capable of the evil Russia displays. Even this remnant of Stalin's Soviet Union. 

   This isn't two nations fighting over territory. This is slaughter by a bully against people that should be close friends...minding their own business. 

   Russia's young soldiers seem not to be all in. But pilots and artillery gunners target civilians, and it may get worse. They don't have to be men of faith. It's just evil. Dear God, they're targeting children! 

   It's past time for free nations to stop doing business with dark regimes. Let's sacrifice some wealth if that's what it takes. We're not sure key players are ready for that. 

   Meanwhile, John Kerry want's us to stay focused on climate change. Sheesh!

   How about these Ukrainian women, some of them with young children, families possibly separated with no assurance. They speak to news people clear eyed, with purpose and clarity. 



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