Friday, March 4, 2022

Coming Attractions  

   We'll tell you what's on our plate over the next 2-1/2 weeks, and then tell you what to expect on Views By the Sea.

* This is a time for spring cleaning, inside and out

* We must replace flowers that February's frost killed; fertilizer has to be applied in several flower beds.

* A "celebration of life" is coming, and we will host the overflow - a couple from Oregon, of the immediate family. 

* Five close members of our family happen to be coming the same week. This was planned and flights paid for months ago. They have rented a house nearby, but will spend their days with us. We haven't seen them for three years.

* Our pool deck needs a thorough cleaning, and pool water needs attention after winter's inattention.

* Food prep will be Mrs. Donut's concern, but we have a hunch her husband will have fun in the kitchen as well, even if just washing dishes.  

* Beside all this, I am running for reelection to our homeowners board, and must prepare for one or two "meet the candidates" sessions before the March 19 election. 

* Meanwhile, homeowners or church board messages land in my inbox more days than not. 

   Therefore, there is little time for Views. We have something better for you. Five days a week we will post some very special scriptures, and you will have food from far above the sea.

   We probably won't mention Ukraine, unless Putin and all his generals turn themselves into the world court on war-crimes. Or the Russian people do to him as Italians did to Mussolini. 



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