Monday, March 28, 2022

Nobody Likes to be Insulted 

   Or hit with stones. Human nature reacts, big time! 

   Background: In the months following Jesus' return to the Father - having sent the Holy Spirit to mankind - faith spread rapidly. The 12 disciples were busy helping to feed many Jewish "foreigners" in the city. Too busy.

   Some of the visitors complained they were being overlooked. 

   The disciples called a meeting. They needed to concentrate on ministry and prayer, so they selected seven men "full of the Spirit and wisdom," to take charge of the tables. Stephen was one of the seven. Today, we think of these men as the first deacons.  

   It worked. The Word spread. Believers, even some priests, increased in number. 

   Unlike any deacon we ever knew, including myself, Stephen did "great wonders and miraculous signs." 

   The Bible (Acts chapter 7) says Jews from other provinces argued with him. They hadn't experienced "the way," and opposed what Stephen was spreading. 

   Like those who asked Pontius Pilate to condemn Jesus, with false accusations they persuaded some to say, "'We heard Stephen speak blasphemy against Moses and God.' They stirred up the elders and teachers of the law." 

   They took Stephen to the Sanhedrin - at that time the supreme court of the Jewish people - the same body that sent Jesus to Pilate for a death sentence. Again, with false witnesses, they claimed that Stephen said, "Jesus of Nazareth will destroy this place and change the customs of Moses." 

Tomorrow: What will the court decide?



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