Sunday, March 13, 2022

Remember Me? 

   All you out there...worried sick about the disappearance of Views By the Sea, about a blogger without a blog.   

   We can't see you. Are you wearing green? Celebrating St. Patrick's Day? 

   Jimmy Donut is back in his den, struggling to make sense of the clutter, unsure what day it is. 

   We and our sister-in-law have hosted family members for over a week, some here for a "Celebration of Life," others on a long-planned vacation. The last family flew back north this afternoon, and our den is once again mine. All mine. 

   But, it was good times, and we miss them all ... from Oregon, Washington, Ohio, Indiana, New York and Georgia. 

   Friday I must take our HOA revised Bylaws to the clerk of court for the records. And I will spend time boning up on information pertaining to our HOA annual meeting that occurs Saturday. 

   Oh yeah. I will be "elected" to continue in my secretary's position, or replaced by another man who wants my place. 

   And we've kept one eye on Ukraine. 

   Well, that's enough babble for this week. Hope to return Monday with some helpful reminders from the Word of God. 



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