Truth < Belief > Falsehood
What to believe? It's a question dating to the day Satan masqueraded as a talking serpent, lying to Adam's wife. He knew the truth, but he lied to her about God's command not to eat the fruit of the tree of life.
This wasn't about a $10 million secret, illegal deal. It was about one bite of fruit for goodness sake! Eve believed the devil; she and Adam were evicted from their awesome home, and we all have been paying a price ever since. We all are vulnerable.
How so? Because essentially, life is about the Creator's truth and his enemy's "disinformation." We must decide who to believe; our eternal destiny depends on it.
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From our Bible commentary we counted about 190 verses in the Old and New Testaments centered on truth. In the four gospels Jesus is quoted 76 times saying, I tell you the truth.
Of course, some of those are in conversations included in one or two other New Testament books.
We found 25 verses about lying. And some 145 on belief.
As with Jesus on trial, and Stephen standing accused before the same "court," there is a fierce battle over what we believe.
Lies in national and world affairs can change circumstances for millions, for a lifetime, even start wars.
As for spiritual matters, there is a written record from the beginning, authored by God himself through his chosen servants like Moses, David, John and Paul. If we have a Bible and are of age, he demands we believe his truth!
Continued tomorrow