Thursday, February 17, 2022

What's Wrong With the World? 

   There are three possible answers:

1. They are.

   We learn this in childhood and it expands from there. To Nazi Germany, it was the Jews and other "inferior" races. To a capitalist, it's creeping socialism. To the progressive, it's the "oppression" of Western civilization. 

2. We are. 

   Wokeness. It began legitimately with the civil rights movement, exposing injustice at all levels of society, legal and personal. 

   Visible changes happened quickly, but residual racism lingered, along with guilt. Then guilt became an ideology. We are is partly true, and therefore complicated. 

   But "we" don't always know where to draw the line. We are can easily become They are or You are

   G.K. Chesterton wrote a book in 1910, What's Wrong With the World? His answer to the question:

3. I am. 

   A nation can acknowledge wrongs and make amends. But only individuals can experience guilt and find effective remedies for guilt. 

   Human nature is collective: "in Adam all die." Human responsibility is individual. 

   I am is not the complete answer, but it's the right place to start. 

Janie B, Cheaney, WORLD magazine

   I can examine myself and find numerous examples of finger pointing. Fortunately, confessed sins are forgiven. I can also work to check my attitudes and prevent myself from being what's wrong with the world around me. 


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