Wednesday, February 23, 2022

 American Christians...Get Ready! 

   Jewish people have been rejected by the world, including medieval Christians, ever since Jacob and his extended family left the scene. God - through Moses - rescued Jews from Egyptian slavery, but the next 40 years were no picnic. It was their offspring who crossed over the Jordan. 

   Into the occupied Promised Land: Joshua, successor to Moses, reminded them,  Be strong and courageous, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go. 

   Years later, Israelites were dreading an invasion during the reign of King Jehoshaphat. Don't you love that name? The king prayed in the courtyard of the temple: O our God, will you not judge them? We do not know what to do, but our eyes are on you. - 2 Chronicles 20:12 

   And the centuries rolled on. 

   Following the Holocaust, with no nation offering help, scattered survivors took the old Promised Land by force in 1948. They share the land with Palestinians, and are surrounded by Arab nations. 

   Only the United States recognized Israel, but not with unanimous agreement. 

   The hope - assurance - for Jews is a future millennium, when the Messiah will reign and God will more than make up for all their historic troubles. See Zechariah chapter 9.  

   Christians in the U.S., it's our turn to experience rejection. 

   When the gospel of Christ was new to the culture, most of his close disciples and others such as Stephen (Acts chapter 7) and "popes" were murdered. By 300 A.D., Christian leaders were fed up with hard times. They allied with Constantinople, capital of the Roman/Byzantine Empire, for protection. Spiritually, not good, as Roman church history proved.

   We have read that more Christians were martyred in the 20th century than in all of world history. 

   Today in America, we are rejected, mostly. There are laws. But Hillary Clinton told us to stay out of the public realm. How close she came to winning in 2016! 

Tomorrow: Biblical council never more important


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