Friday, February 18, 2022

Give to Modern Caesars?  

   What exactly did Jesus mean when he told the Pharisees' disciples to give to Caesar what is Caesar's, and to God what is God's? 

   He knew they were trying to trap him, to land him in trouble with Roman authorities. Jesus merely said, pay taxes to Caesar and give offerings to God. 

   This is tax season, when we give account to our Caesar for taxes paid, or owed, in 2021. 

   Many people well connected to the little Caesars (no offense to Little Caesars Pizza) will take advantage of loopholes. Of course, most of us enjoy tax deductions for various legal reasons. 

   It becomes more complicated. 

   Founders wrote instructions on how to govern - complete with checks and balances. Our first Caesar had few mandates. Nobody was expected to serve more than a few years, except impartial judges and justices. Caesar himself would face the voters in four years. 

   As time went by, the world gained complexity, and more wealth was created, our Caesars and little Caesars sought to operate by and for themselves.  

   The military-industrial complex. Education, energy, environmental and other departments formed to solve problems, only to create new problems and conflicts. Many congressional members serve for decades, enjoying good pay and benefits, and privileges. Some enhance their wealth with daily eyes on the stock market.

   Do school boards work for the parents? Do health departments advise for health, or for control?

   We will soon see truckers in Washington, D.C., okay with vaccinations, but calling for freedom from mandates.

   What will our Caesar do? 


 Monday: America Is No More? 

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