Tuesday, February 22, 2022

If Not God, Who? 

   America is no more what we once were. Our laws were never meant to be "Christian doctrine," though many founders were believers. 

   Through the years, our presidents acknowledged God, and politicians were careful not to offend Christians, the vast majority of voters. Leaders and justices were/are supposed to follow the Constitution, not the Bible. 

   After WWII, culture began to change. Civil-rights were rightly recognized, and other secular interests wanted their day in court. Anti-faith movements had begun long before. 

   Margaret Sanger thought she knew best about euthanasia, race, birth control, eugenics, abortion and sexual freedom. She founded Planned Parenthood, and many women are pleased with her teaching: "No Gods. No Masters. Submission is evil." 

   With the upswing in wealth and other advances in the last half of the 20th century, church attendance declined. Younger generations are drawn to newly available interests. 

   New Marxists feed minds that otherwise might have been open to truth. Leftists (illiberals) ride the Democratic Party, but are not political at heart. This election year may bear that out.

   Christians are to love their neighbors, even their enemies (but not their sin). Husband and wife are to be as one in marriage - no oppression. They are to teach their children about God, to trust and obey. Children are to honor parents. 

   Today's cultural Marxists target social and political activities, education, religion and family life. It's all anti-God, as was Karl Marx. 

   They now have home-field advantage. There is no taking back America for Christianity. 

   But, there is hope for believers. Very good news.

Irwin Lutzer, We Will Not Be Silenced 

Tomorrow: First the Jews, then Christians


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