Monday, February 7, 2022

New Words to Live By  

   Last week we focused on the word of God. Today we sample the words of a "woke" person, in a movement whose ultimate goal is revolution. 

   This is from a 2021 recruitment video for the Central Intelligence Agency - people who supposedly help protect Americans from foreign threats. The video follows an agent around CIA headquarters. Among her descriptions, she adds:

"Nothing about me was or is tragic. I am perfectly made."

"I'm a woman of color. I am a mom. I am a cisgender millennial who has been diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder."

"I am intersectional. But my existence is not a box checking exercise. I am a walking declaration, a woman whose inflection does not rise at the end of her sentences, suggesting that a question has been asked." 

"I used to struggle with imposter syndrome. But at 36, I refuse to internalize misguided patriarchal ideas of what a woman can or should be. I am tired of feeling like I'm supposed to apologize for the space I occupy rather than intoxicate people with my effort ... my brilliance. I am proud of me. Full stop."

"I am unapologetically me. I want you to be unapologetically you, whoever you are. Know your worth and command your space. Mija you're worth it." 

   Do you feel safer now?

   Are you motivated to join the CIA? Full stop? 

   Or, would you rather live by the word of God, a light shining in a dark place        ... a lamp to my feet and a light for my path


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