Monday, February 21, 2022

America Is No More  

   That is - the America we once knew. 

Laws of Nature and of Nature's God

Justice and the Blessings of Liberty

all men created equal ... endowed by their Creator

with certain unalienable Rights, Life, Liberty and the 

Pursuit (not guarantee) of Happiness

< Yes, some states once denied justice and rights >

   From many nations they flood across our border ... for a better life. Don't they  know America is racist and oppressive? Why don't our elites warn them to turn around, to return to their blessings of equality? 

   Instead, they bus or fly them into the country only to be swallowed up by white supremacy, worst of all, men, some of them even Christians. 

   We're not alone. The failed policies of old Marxism are gaining adherents around the world. Australia, New Zealand and Canada are among the newest, if not 100%, transformed into authoritarian ways. 

   What did Adam know? What did Jesus know? What did George Washington know?

   It took a 19th century German philosopher to finally inform the world how to achieve equality. How unfortunate, billions of poor souls throughout history never knew the Woke truth. 

   Many early Americans paid mind to what is perceived in heaven. Today's illiberal (opposed to liberal principles, freedom of thought and behavior) elite are concerned only with what is perceived in culture. 

   First century Christians were taught to be transformed by the renewing of your minds, to be transformed into the likeness of Christ. Twenty-first century Americans are taught to transform themselves into the culture, or else.

Tomorrow: American game changers


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