Monday, February 28, 2022

It's Raining in Ukraine 

   Bombs and rockets, that is. Does it matter to us? 

   In the 1930s, Joseph Stalin was murdering and starving millions of Ukrainians. We were dealing with our own problem, economic depression. 

   On October 7, 1952, a son was born to one of Stalin's helpers. Like father like son. Vladimir Putin rose to power some 20 years ago and like Stalin, won't let go. 

   The former Communist KGB leader isn't interested in Communism. Rather, he eyes power and wealth for himself, and expansion for his Russia, hardly the definition of a country. 

   Putin also may differ from Stalin in that, some say, he wishes to restore the empire that existed under czars in the 19th century. Whatever. 

   If he operated like our Democrats, he might have waited until September 17th to attack Ukraine. That would be his show, linking him with Russia's "glorious" assault on Poland, Sept. 17, 1939. But, no. 

   You say Nazi Germany was the aggressor, entering Poland on Sept. 1, starting World War II. Yes, it was. And Stalin followed up 16 days later, crossing Poland's eastern border. He and Hitler had a deal.  

   What did Poland do to deserve that double whammy? And what did Ukraine do to deserve Putin's wrath, after 76 years of peace in Europe (not that the Soviets in eastern Europe were nice guys). 

   Ukraine's natural resources and abundant agricultural blessings may or may not be the prize.

   Does this war matter to us? We'll soon know, but life is way different today.

   Russians are attacking with planes. Who flew the first flight? 

   They could affect electronic communications. Who mastered electricity?

   Cybersecurity is a great concern. Who developed technology?

   Putin adds a nuclear threat. Who developed atomic bombs, and used two? 

   Most important, Putin finances this with oil wealth. Who discovered oil?

Pray for Christians, Jews and other innocent people.


Friday, February 25, 2022

Let's All Be $ Equal 

   Hold on, capitalists and lovers of freedom! There is a way to welcome BLM Marxism. 

   What do these people have in common? Hillary Clinton, Jeff Bezos, LeBron James, Derek Jeter, Donald Trump, Tom Cruise, Alex Baldwin, Kevin Costner and Tom Hanks. Of course. $ They're not just millionaires. $$$ Hundreds of millions.     A few on this page: $ billionaires. 

   What if they agreed to a national, progressive policy? Dianne Feinstein, Bill Gates, Tom Brady, Roger Staubach, Barack Obama, George Clooney, Nicole Kidman, John Travolta, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Dr. Phil. $$$ 

   Some practice philanthropy, but righteous equality is illusive.  

   Al Gore, Gavin Newsom, Mitch McConnell, Oprah Winfrey, Michael Jordan, Peyton Manning, Nancy Pelosi, Charles Schwab, the Biden family, Jerry Seinfeld, Roger Federer. $$$ Different talents, different viewpoints. What matters is something in common for the common good! 

   Nick Saban, Mark Zuckerberg, Morgan Freeman, Denzel Washington, Jennifer Aniston, George Clooney, Dr. James Andrews, Kanye West, Jay-Z, Mitt Romney, Mark Warner. $$$ Wouldn't they make Super Patriots? 

   Form a committee: Bernie Sanders, Chairman. Richard Blumenthal and John Kerry. All the above and hundreds of others could empty their pockets, turn their properties over to the homeless, and take it all to Washington. $$$  (Self-serving Vladimir Putin is worth $200 billion, but he isn't eligible.)  

   Many could lay their fortune in the capitol rotunda. Others on the national mall. Any whiz kid with a smart phone can figure how much equality every American deserves. If our savings $ are above the water mark, we'll contribute our share. 

   Of course, the day after Bernie declares "mission accomplished," inequality will begin it's evil return. But, let the Marxists have their day.  

   We're not shaming anyone. Some just have the talent and know-how to make it big in activities where there is awesome $ to be made. Let's do this, and replace all our statues with Karl Marx statues. 





Thursday, February 24, 2022

Not That Environment  

   We live in an ungodly environment, and we're not referring to clean air and water.

   The world's ways are not God's ways. Christians ... Jesus-approved ... whoever meets his test ... are no longer citizens of the world. We consider ourselves citizens of our country, but that's not how our Lord sees us. 

   A Jewish psalmist declared, I am a stranger on earth. - Psalm 119:19   

   Peter agreed: We are aliens and strangers in the world. - 1 Peter 2:11

   Peter also urged: In your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. - 1 Peter 3:15 

   Paul wrote: Our citizenship is in heaven and we eagerly await a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ. - Philippians 3:20 

What Does Jesus Say?  He who created us and who died that we may live: 

                            I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven.                                       I have given you authority to overcome all the power of the enemy.                                   Rejoice that your names are written in heaven.

Luke 10:18, 20

                         Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth,                                               but store up for yourselves treasures in heaven.                                              For where your treasure is, there your heart is also.

Matthew 6:21

   Long after his ascension, speaking through John, Jesus ordered his church at Sardis to get with it: 

                    Wake up! Strengthen what remains and is about to die...                            Remember what you have received and heard; obey it, and repent. 

Revelation 3:2-3

   America sends missionaries around the world. Christians live and work among non-believers in many occupations. (See 1 Peter 3:15 above). As for the commandments, a true Christian does not displease the Savior in order to please men. 

Tomorrow: When Marxism 😈 might be acceptable

Wednesday, February 23, 2022

 American Christians...Get Ready! 

   Jewish people have been rejected by the world, including medieval Christians, ever since Jacob and his extended family left the scene. God - through Moses - rescued Jews from Egyptian slavery, but the next 40 years were no picnic. It was their offspring who crossed over the Jordan. 

   Into the occupied Promised Land: Joshua, successor to Moses, reminded them,  Be strong and courageous, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go. 

   Years later, Israelites were dreading an invasion during the reign of King Jehoshaphat. Don't you love that name? The king prayed in the courtyard of the temple: O our God, will you not judge them? We do not know what to do, but our eyes are on you. - 2 Chronicles 20:12 

   And the centuries rolled on. 

   Following the Holocaust, with no nation offering help, scattered survivors took the old Promised Land by force in 1948. They share the land with Palestinians, and are surrounded by Arab nations. 

   Only the United States recognized Israel, but not with unanimous agreement. 

   The hope - assurance - for Jews is a future millennium, when the Messiah will reign and God will more than make up for all their historic troubles. See Zechariah chapter 9.  

   Christians in the U.S., it's our turn to experience rejection. 

   When the gospel of Christ was new to the culture, most of his close disciples and others such as Stephen (Acts chapter 7) and "popes" were murdered. By 300 A.D., Christian leaders were fed up with hard times. They allied with Constantinople, capital of the Roman/Byzantine Empire, for protection. Spiritually, not good, as Roman church history proved.

   We have read that more Christians were martyred in the 20th century than in all of world history. 

   Today in America, we are rejected, mostly. There are laws. But Hillary Clinton told us to stay out of the public realm. How close she came to winning in 2016! 

Tomorrow: Biblical council never more important


Tuesday, February 22, 2022

If Not God, Who? 

   America is no more what we once were. Our laws were never meant to be "Christian doctrine," though many founders were believers. 

   Through the years, our presidents acknowledged God, and politicians were careful not to offend Christians, the vast majority of voters. Leaders and justices were/are supposed to follow the Constitution, not the Bible. 

   After WWII, culture began to change. Civil-rights were rightly recognized, and other secular interests wanted their day in court. Anti-faith movements had begun long before. 

   Margaret Sanger thought she knew best about euthanasia, race, birth control, eugenics, abortion and sexual freedom. She founded Planned Parenthood, and many women are pleased with her teaching: "No Gods. No Masters. Submission is evil." 

   With the upswing in wealth and other advances in the last half of the 20th century, church attendance declined. Younger generations are drawn to newly available interests. 

   New Marxists feed minds that otherwise might have been open to truth. Leftists (illiberals) ride the Democratic Party, but are not political at heart. This election year may bear that out.

   Christians are to love their neighbors, even their enemies (but not their sin). Husband and wife are to be as one in marriage - no oppression. They are to teach their children about God, to trust and obey. Children are to honor parents. 

   Today's cultural Marxists target social and political activities, education, religion and family life. It's all anti-God, as was Karl Marx. 

   They now have home-field advantage. There is no taking back America for Christianity. 

   But, there is hope for believers. Very good news.

Irwin Lutzer, We Will Not Be Silenced 

Tomorrow: First the Jews, then Christians


Monday, February 21, 2022

America Is No More  

   That is - the America we once knew. 

Laws of Nature and of Nature's God

Justice and the Blessings of Liberty

all men created equal ... endowed by their Creator

with certain unalienable Rights, Life, Liberty and the 

Pursuit (not guarantee) of Happiness

< Yes, some states once denied justice and rights >

   From many nations they flood across our border ... for a better life. Don't they  know America is racist and oppressive? Why don't our elites warn them to turn around, to return to their blessings of equality? 

   Instead, they bus or fly them into the country only to be swallowed up by white supremacy, worst of all, men, some of them even Christians. 

   We're not alone. The failed policies of old Marxism are gaining adherents around the world. Australia, New Zealand and Canada are among the newest, if not 100%, transformed into authoritarian ways. 

   What did Adam know? What did Jesus know? What did George Washington know?

   It took a 19th century German philosopher to finally inform the world how to achieve equality. How unfortunate, billions of poor souls throughout history never knew the Woke truth. 

   Many early Americans paid mind to what is perceived in heaven. Today's illiberal (opposed to liberal principles, freedom of thought and behavior) elite are concerned only with what is perceived in culture. 

   First century Christians were taught to be transformed by the renewing of your minds, to be transformed into the likeness of Christ. Twenty-first century Americans are taught to transform themselves into the culture, or else.

Tomorrow: American game changers


Friday, February 18, 2022

Give to Modern Caesars?  

   What exactly did Jesus mean when he told the Pharisees' disciples to give to Caesar what is Caesar's, and to God what is God's? 

   He knew they were trying to trap him, to land him in trouble with Roman authorities. Jesus merely said, pay taxes to Caesar and give offerings to God. 

   This is tax season, when we give account to our Caesar for taxes paid, or owed, in 2021. 

   Many people well connected to the little Caesars (no offense to Little Caesars Pizza) will take advantage of loopholes. Of course, most of us enjoy tax deductions for various legal reasons. 

   It becomes more complicated. 

   Founders wrote instructions on how to govern - complete with checks and balances. Our first Caesar had few mandates. Nobody was expected to serve more than a few years, except impartial judges and justices. Caesar himself would face the voters in four years. 

   As time went by, the world gained complexity, and more wealth was created, our Caesars and little Caesars sought to operate by and for themselves.  

   The military-industrial complex. Education, energy, environmental and other departments formed to solve problems, only to create new problems and conflicts. Many congressional members serve for decades, enjoying good pay and benefits, and privileges. Some enhance their wealth with daily eyes on the stock market.

   Do school boards work for the parents? Do health departments advise for health, or for control?

   We will soon see truckers in Washington, D.C., okay with vaccinations, but calling for freedom from mandates.

   What will our Caesar do? 


 Monday: America Is No More? 

Thursday, February 17, 2022

What's Wrong With the World? 

   There are three possible answers:

1. They are.

   We learn this in childhood and it expands from there. To Nazi Germany, it was the Jews and other "inferior" races. To a capitalist, it's creeping socialism. To the progressive, it's the "oppression" of Western civilization. 

2. We are. 

   Wokeness. It began legitimately with the civil rights movement, exposing injustice at all levels of society, legal and personal. 

   Visible changes happened quickly, but residual racism lingered, along with guilt. Then guilt became an ideology. We are is partly true, and therefore complicated. 

   But "we" don't always know where to draw the line. We are can easily become They are or You are

   G.K. Chesterton wrote a book in 1910, What's Wrong With the World? His answer to the question:

3. I am. 

   A nation can acknowledge wrongs and make amends. But only individuals can experience guilt and find effective remedies for guilt. 

   Human nature is collective: "in Adam all die." Human responsibility is individual. 

   I am is not the complete answer, but it's the right place to start. 

Janie B, Cheaney, WORLD magazine

   I can examine myself and find numerous examples of finger pointing. Fortunately, confessed sins are forgiven. I can also work to check my attitudes and prevent myself from being what's wrong with the world around me. 


Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Shall We Reconcile?

   Tough relationships are inevitable. Sin alienates people from God and from one another. 

   Not getting along? We must deal with our sin. 

   The good news is that God has already done this: Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come! All this is from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation. - 2 Corinthians 5:17-18

   If we reconcile to God, we can reconcile with others.

   In Living Reconciled, by P. Brian Noble, we read seven attitudes that are not natural to us, but which characterize those committed to the ministry of reconciliation.   

1. I am controlled by Christ's love.

2. I no longer live for myself. 

3. I recognize no one according to the flesh. 

4. I see others as brand new.

5. I have a ministry.

6. I have stopped counting people's offensives.

7. I am a reconciler. 

   Although the book doesn't directly address social conflicts we have experienced over the past two years, what it says about conflicts is a welcome first step. 

   "injustice will come," wrote the author, "and you can still practice righteousness."

WORLD magazine



Tuesday, February 15, 2022

God and 9/11   


   Almost 400 years after Gov. John Winthrop offered choices of "life or death, good or evil," God still loves mankind, but is he pleased or angered? 

   He severely judged his covenant people. Why should we - founded on the prevailing Christian view of man and government - not receive a warning of judgment as we extinguish our (his) light to the world?   

   On Sept, 11, 2001 two jetliners lifted off from - the beginning - Boston's Logan Airport, located on Governor's Island in Massachusetts Bay. It is said there were eagle's wings painted on their tails (see Deuteronomy 28:49). 

   Terrorists took over the planes and flew them into - the present - New York's World Trade Center towers (commercial power). A third plane smashed into the Pentagon (military power). A fourth, also headed toward Washington (political power), was crashed by valiant passengers who gave their lives to save others. 

   For a couple Sundays, Americans flocked to churches for answers, for reassurance. Apparently, pulpits offered no wisdom. So, we kept to our ways. 

   Then we determined to "show them." We would build a higher tower.   

   Like the Israelites: "The bricks have fallen down, but we will rebuild with dressed stone; and fig trees have been felled, but we will replace them with cedars."           - Isaiah 9:10    

   "Yet for all this, his anger is not turned away; his hand is still upraised. But the people have not returned to him who struck them, nor have they sought the Lord Almighty." - Isaiah 9:12-13

   Beloved, there is now set before us life and death, good and evil. What choice have American movers and shakers made?

Read The Harbinger II for more  

Monday, February 14, 2022

God and 9/11 

Today: background

Tuesday: the story

   In 1630 John Winthrop, a lawyer, led a group of colonists from England to settle in Massachusetts Bay. This was the second colony, following Plymouth. The Mayflower had come to shore here. 

   Winthrop had a vision for this new civilization: a city on a hill - a metaphor for a society lifted up - the glory of God, light for the world. He was governor of the colony for 12 of its first 20 years. His island in the Bay is called Governor's Island. 

   He encouraged people to follow the ways of God, thereby enjoying the blessings offered to ancient Israel - peace, safety, prosperity, power, preeminence...a model of Christian charity. 

   Knowing human nature, Winthrop warned them of consequences, as Moses warned his people in Deuteronomy chapter 28. He ended his vision:

   "Beloved, there is now set before us life and death, good and evil, in that we are commanded this day to love the Lord our God, and to love one another, to walk in his ways... Therefore, let us choose life."

   Meanwhile, more immigrants settled lower Manhattan, which became the foundation of America's power. Later, Washington, D.C. became the nation's political and military brain trust. 

   Moses' emphatic words ultimately were not heeded. In the year 2001, how many American politicians, justices, educators, entertainers, media, military, industry and tech giants shared the vision of John Winthrop?

Tomorrow: the story


Saturday, February 12, 2022

Friday, February 11, 2022

Having a Bad Day? 

   Joy follows grief. There is a little tree in the center of our little front garden. Our tree is having a bad day, every day! 

   Three nights we had frost. All the king's horses and all the king's men - and two covering sheets - couldn't protect little leaves from killer frost. 

   We grabbed our new cutters and began to snip away, as we have done in the past. We pruned every little branch, until the tree looked shamefully naked. If it could feel, it would have hated me royally.

   Praise the Lord. Our little tree is alive. It's pruned branches will give birth to new branches and attractive green leaves. 

   With human nature, life can be harmful as well. Instead of frost, it may be sin. In Mark chapter 9 Jesus gave his listeners drastic measures to deal with sin. We assume he said this for effect. Then again, would you prune your own body if that was your only hope of avoiding eternal damnation? 

   Addressing idol worshipers, Isaiah wrote, The Lord gives you the bread of adversity and the water of affliction. v. 30:20.  

   Paul, who served the Lord to the full, was flogged, lashed, hit with rods and stoned by enemies of the gospel. He endured all kinds of danger, hunger, thirst and sleepless nights. 

   Peter wrote of our grief in all kinds of trials - so that faith proves genuine.          - 1 Peter 1:6. 

   Jesus told his disciples before his crucifixion, your grief will turn to joy,           - John 16:20, as a woman's pain in childbirth turns to joy. 

   Decades later, our risen Lord complimented the church at Ephesus: You have persevered and endured hardships for my name, and have not grown weary.          - Revelation 2:3.

   We aren't born with a silver spoon and someday march proudly into heaven without a scar. Mrs. Donut and I each have a testimony of crushed spirit, later turned to joy.

Monday: God and 9/11


Thursday, February 10, 2022

Taking on China 

   Would we dare to risk our well-being by publicly criticizing China? 

   Enes Kanter, raised in Islamic Turkey, is a 6-foot-10 center for the Boston Celtics. He can put one hand on the rim - 10 feet high - and dunk a basketball like we would toss crumpled paper into a waste basket. 

   But he doesn't define himself by his God-given size and talent. To celebrate his becoming a U.S. citizen in November he legally added "Freedom" to his name. 

   With freedom of speech, he calls attention to those suffering persecution and genocide in China, Uyghur Muslims. Last fall he led a rally at the Capitol urging Congress to pass an act that prohibits goods made in that region from being sold in the U.S. President Biden signed the bill in December. 

   "All the gold medals in the world aren't worth selling your values," Freedom wrote in The Wall Street Journal. He has also criticized China's aggression toward Hong Kong, Taiwan and Tibet. 

   Freedom's courage rises above the National Basketball Assn., big sponsors and bankable stars, who avoid offending China and avoid risk of losing potentially billions of dollars. 

   He opposes Nike and LeBron James, the NBA's biggest star, who use their notoriety to speak out for groups in America they deem oppressed. But when it comes to China, their financial interests win out over those who suffer under the communist regime. 

   Will James listen to Freedom, his fellow NBA player? He is "someone I wouldn't give my energy," James says. 

   James, who we used to respect, publicly blasted an NBA team manager for supporting pro-democracy protesters in Hong Kong. Nike makes many of its products at sweatshops in China, paying workers dismal wages. 

WORLD magazine

   We all need some of Enes Kanter Freedom's courage, while leftists here in the states are bent on dunking our freedoms in the dirt. 



Wednesday, February 9, 2022

 Finding the Balance 

   We visit our synagogues and churches for obvious reasons. But there are characters afoot who would harm us for their own nefarious reasons. Some have succeeded. 

   There is a balance between welcoming and protecting the congregation. 

   Congregation Beth Israel in Texas had received training from the FBI, the local police department and the Anti-Defamation League - all of which helped the rabbi stay calm during a hostage standoff in January. Only the 44-year-old gunman was killed. 

   A park ranger/police officer says, "A uniformed officer deters many troublemakers, though having covert off-duty law enforcement or security inside is also important." 

   In a Texas church, a few armed deacons and volunteers hand out bulletins and watch for anything out of the ordinary. They lock doors during the service and guard the children's building. Most of the security team is former military.  

   One of the members says, "Doing something is better than doing nothing. It's about being prepared with the volunteers you have." 

   Some security operators wear plain clothes and carry hand-guns. Other churches hire uniformed officers. 

   Being overly aggressive may turn people off...and out. Some training in California emphasizes "layered security" of different ministries like ushers and Sunday school teachers. Hospitality and security don't have to be at odds with one another, they say. 

   Pastors and rabbis might be held responsible if an accident harms innocent attendees. They are probably wise not to know who carries. 

   Finally, we heard of church members who don't support weapons. If someone kills a number of attendees, they say, it is God's will. If that's true, we should disband our national defense and...... 



Tuesday, February 8, 2022

 Who Loves Best? 

   We know the story. While Jesus was interacting with the crowd, some people were bringing little children to him for prayer. But the disciples rebuked those who brought them.

   Like, kids don't count? 

   His response: Let the little children come unto me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these. - Matthew 19:13-14

   Something to remember when we begin to think too highly of ourselves?

   Our friend emailed a touching series of photos - animals exhibiting friendship.  

   A horse lying on its side with a child apparently asleep on its neck.

   A dog and a young cat not fighting like cats and dogs. 

   A duck and her ducklings trailing close behind.

   A cat and a duckling snuggled together.

   A baby and a dog clearly attached to each other. 

   Of course, there is plenty of hostility in the animal kingdom, But we can take notice of those who get along, and wonder if there is a teaching point here. 


Monday, February 7, 2022

New Words to Live By  

   Last week we focused on the word of God. Today we sample the words of a "woke" person, in a movement whose ultimate goal is revolution. 

   This is from a 2021 recruitment video for the Central Intelligence Agency - people who supposedly help protect Americans from foreign threats. The video follows an agent around CIA headquarters. Among her descriptions, she adds:

"Nothing about me was or is tragic. I am perfectly made."

"I'm a woman of color. I am a mom. I am a cisgender millennial who has been diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder."

"I am intersectional. But my existence is not a box checking exercise. I am a walking declaration, a woman whose inflection does not rise at the end of her sentences, suggesting that a question has been asked." 

"I used to struggle with imposter syndrome. But at 36, I refuse to internalize misguided patriarchal ideas of what a woman can or should be. I am tired of feeling like I'm supposed to apologize for the space I occupy rather than intoxicate people with my effort ... my brilliance. I am proud of me. Full stop."

"I am unapologetically me. I want you to be unapologetically you, whoever you are. Know your worth and command your space. Mija you're worth it." 

   Do you feel safer now?

   Are you motivated to join the CIA? Full stop? 

   Or, would you rather live by the word of God, a light shining in a dark place        ... a lamp to my feet and a light for my path


Saturday, February 5, 2022

Friday, February 4, 2022

Our Responsibility

   This week we read about the Origin of the word, those who conveyed the word, and what believers are to do with the word. Today, in our conclusion: four more verses urging us to consume the word, and do something with it. 

   How can a young man keep his way pure? By living according to your word. - Psalm 119:9

   I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you.         - Psalm 119:11 

   Do everything...blameless and pure, children of a crooked and depraved you hold out the word of life... - Philippians 2:14-16

   Do not merely listen to the word and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says. James 1:22

Commentary: Jesus and the apostles emphasized that the world is unbelieving and perverse. People of the world hold wrong views, have warped values, follow immoral ways of life and reject the norms of God's Word. God's children must separate themselves from the world and be blameless, pure and without fault in order to proclaim Christ's glorious redemption to the lost world. 

Thursday, February 3, 2022

Living by the Word 

   Israelites, about to enter the Promised Land after 40 years in the desert, had no personal memory of the Passover, the Red Sea crossing or even early times around Mr. Sinai. 

   Moses mentored this younger generation: does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of the Lord.Deuteronomy 8:3Jesus, after fasting 40 days, quoted this verse to rebuff Satan's temptations.    - Matthew 4:4 

   If it was vital for those people to feed on God's Word, it is essential for us as well. 

   God planted his Word in the minds of prophets, who wrote for ancient Israelites, or at least their kings and others of importance. Christians still learn from those prophets today. Peter told believers: We have the word of the prophets made more certain, and you will do well to pay attention to it, as to a light shining in a dark place... - 2 Peter 1:19 

   Paul wrote to the Ephesians about wearing the "full armor of God" to withstand "the devil's schemes." This includes the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. - Ephesians 6:17 

   The Holy Spirit, given to believers by Jesus after his resurrection, provides the Word - the gospel - a weapon against "the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms."   

   Paul wrote to the Colossians, Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly...      v. 3:16. He wanted them to read, study, meditate and pray until it lived in them.  

    The Word is food, light, a sword for spiritual battle, and food once more...richly! 

Tomorrow: Our responsibility


Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Words Like a Fire

   It's one thing to read what the Bible says about the Word. It's another to allow these words to work in our lives. 

   What good is a light bulb without electricity? A balloon without air? A pen without ink? 

   What good are words without truth and motivation? We can't believe all we read and hear in the news, but we can believe God, and live it. 

   During their last evening meal, Jesus taught his disciples many truths. - John, chapters 13-17. He finished with a lengthy prayer, during which he ask the Father to Sanctify them by the truth; your word is truth. - v. 17:17. 

   Set them apart, he prayed. They would soon begin to carry his truth to the world. Later that night, Jesus was arrested, accused and sentenced without evidence of wrong doing. God loved. God gave the Word. We believe. We mortals have hope in eternal life. 

   We had dinner on a beach one evening. The sun had disappeared when we walked back to our motel, and the moon was hiding as well. We had no lamp. 

   Dark nights were the rule for most of history, and still are in some places, like North Korea. But, Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path.       - Psalm 119:105. 

   God's Word is spiritual principles and wisdom to help us avoid trouble, and to make right decisions in all situations. It can be life changing.

   Is not my word like fire, declares the Lord, and like a hammer that breaks a rock in pieces? - Jeremiah 23:29. 

   If we are lackadaisical, God will succeed without us. As the rain and snow come down from heaven, and do not return to it ... so is my word that goes out from my mouth. It will not return to me to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire. - Isaiah 55:10-11.

 Tomorrow: Four who spoke the word


Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Life's Most Crucial Words 

   When I was growing up, I heard the words: "Get your elbows off the table." Later, in school, words went in one ear and out the other. In basic training, it was hear the words of the drill sergeant, or find yourself scrubbing the barracks floor.

   Before Adam existed, our Creator's first four words surpassed in power all human dictionaries over all time: Let there be light (as translated into English).

   We're all going to one destiny or the other after our bodies die, and no fellow human will save us.  

   God refers to Genesis when he inspired the disciple John to write, In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. - John 1:1

   The author (identity uncertain) of Hebrews, also inspired, informs us: The word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. Nothing in all creation is hidden from God's sight. - Hebrews 4:12-13

   Near the end of his flawed life, King David wrote, As for God, his way is perfect; the word of the Lord is flawless.  - 2 Samuel 22:31 

Tomorrow: Key aspects of God's word