Monday, May 4, 2020

Who Are We?    
   While many of us are bidding our time, this may be an opportunity to ask: Who are we? What do we have in common? 
 Remember your Creator...before the dust returns to the
ground it came from and the spirit returns to God who gave it.
Ecclesiastes 12:1,7

   All seven billion of us are the most complex of all God's creatures. No others are able to learn of him and relate to him. We often forget that we are totally dependent on our Creator. 

   Essential, timeless truth is found in the Bible. Jesus is light in a dark world. We are made in his likeness, in that we can respond to him and reflect his love and holiness. He came down and declared: If you have seen me you have seen the Father.

   Adam and Eve were first to have a moral and intelligent likeness to God. They were created with spirit, mind, emotions and power of choice. 

   When the first couple sinned, the image in them was corrupted, but not totally destroyed. They passed on their tendency to sin to their children. 

   Those who choose to believe must be renewed (reborn) ... to the moral likeness of God, and apply their imperfect intelligence and love to fellowship with him.

Source: an article on Human Personhood

Continued tomorrow

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