Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Part 2 of 3   
Who Are We?    
Continuing with a Bible commentary on human beings and our real but damaged image and likeness of God...

   Our personhood involves spirit, soul and body (1 Thess. 5:23 and Heb. 4:12). God formed Adam out of dust (the body), breathed into him the breath of life (spirit) and he became a living being (soul). 

   God provided a "tree of life" and a "tree of knowledge of good and evil," commanding Adam not to eat of the latter. Due to Eve's and Adam's disobedience, God cursed the human race and separated the body (flesh) from spirit and soul. 

   The only remedy is resurrection of the body on "the last day." 

   The soul is sometimes translated "life," and is a synonym for "person." It is non-material mind, emotions and will. 

   The spirit is non-material life - our spiritual capacity and conscience, our principal means of contact with the Spirit of God. 

   While we are alive, believers are to stay free from immorality and evil, while dedicated to serving God. Indestructible spirit and soul survive physical death, in heaven or in hell (Rev. 6:9, 20:4; Ps. 16:10; Matt. 16:26). 

   The tree of life remains, but no longer on earth. 

Conclusion tomorrow

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