Thursday, May 28, 2020

It is finished     
   Jesus was talking about you when He said his last words on the cross.
John 19:30.  
We came across an article (, having printed it 
two years ago for future use. Today, time's up! 

       Before you discount that statement, remember that Jesus didn't waste words, and certainly not on the cross. He wasn't merely stating the obvious: it's over. 

   Jesus declared our sins forgiven, once and for all, price paid! We may have heard this before, but have we settled it in our hearts? 

   We can know something for years without fully accepting it as certain. We might even be coached a bit by the evil know, the spirit that so easily fooled Eve.  

   Can we look into a mirror and say, Jesus was talking about me? It may be hard because we have memories, shame, guilt and mistakes gone by.

   Christ paid the price for every sin no matter how great, long before we were born. Our difficulty is accepting forgiveness, which is painful, humbling...and mandatory. (Repentance is assumed here.)  

   A pastor spoke the words - Jesus was talking about me - into a mirror numerous times until his heart had a hard time rejecting them. Truth began to win. Lies were destroyed. 

   We all can mirror talk, or write it down however many times until we believe. 
Peace and joy await our commitment to the Lord's work on the cross.


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