Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Who Are We?    
Having established our personhood and our common need of regeneration and salvation, God assigns responsibilities to us.         {Our Bible commentary} 

(1)  God created us to develop a living, personal relationship with him throughout eternity. When Satan succeeded in spoiling our perfect relationship, God promised a Savior to redeem us.

(2)  God willed that we love him above all and love our neighbors as ourselves. This summarizes his entire law (Matt. 22:37-40; Romans 13:9-10).  

(3)  God established marriage from the beginning...a monogamous, life-long relationship between husband and wife. We are to reproduce godly offspring in a family context. 

(4)  God charged mankind to "subdue" the earth and "rule over" its creatures.

(5)  We lost some of our dominion to Satan, the "god of this age." God still expects believers to take care of his world and manage it in a God-glorifying way. 

(6)  God kept his promise to send his Son. He gave believers the task of taking his message of redemptive love to the ends of the earth, and to be witnesses - light of the world and salt of the earth. 

That's who we are. 


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