Saturday, May 23, 2020

What's Next?   
Can't Go Back 
   Short term, we can go back. Leave the house, and barring the unusual, we always go back. 

   Long term, the world doesn't go back. Some cultures never went forward.

   Columnist Janie B. Cheaney, always thought provoking, writes of One Way signs throughout history. Adam and Eve couldn't go back. Generations before the Flood were cut off. Nimrod and his followers wanted to make a name for themselves. God broke up the party. Who ever heard of multiple languages?  

   Human ambitions arise, succeed and fail with regularity, she writes. 

   Our great economy? We aren't going back anytime soon - to cheap air fares, cheap consumer goods, huge sporting events, conventions, conferences, restaurant meeting rooms, traditional higher education, mega churches, jobs for anyone, and hope of life without risk.  

   Bad enough that we deal with a pandemic; we cope with politicians at every level.  
   Freedom anyone?

   Cheaney sees some One Way signs: more home schooling, home cooking, camping and outdoor activities, national and state parks, online/virtual everything, road travel, crafts and trades, and families rediscovering themselves. Wait a minute! Isn't most of this going back? For the better? 

   She also sees a smaller Church, but - God willing - an energized Church dependent on the Holy Spirit alone. That's all 120 believers had in the upper room on the day of Pentecost. And they never went back. 


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