Monday, May 11, 2020

God's Power Line   

   Working for Westinghouse Electric Corp. taught me that electricity is more than flipping a light switch. 

   Heaters, AC, light, appliances, tools, chargers, radio and TV work for us at the flip of a switch. Our invisible servant comes to us on power lines.  

   Electrons - particles of atoms - exist in everything. All we need to do is excite them on wires...put them to work. 

   My tours of two generating plants were visual only. You can't hear anything but a turbine whirling at high speed supplying power, measured in voltage. Next are large transformers each with a wire coil around but not touching magnetic, steel sheets, called a core.   

   This line begins with high voltage and low current. Think of a water hose connected to an open faucet, with the nozzle closed. Miles along the way, medium transformers "step down" the voltage. Finally, small transformers "distribute" alternating-current for many uses.  

   Electric power is very reliable in America, but storms, accidents and such can interrupt connections. 

Now, do you know?
   There is a far greater power line, and we alone can interrupt it.  

   We generate prayer. If we're believers, in line for salvation, we have the Holy Spirit within us to interpret. He sends it to Christ, our Redeemer, who intercedes for us with the Father. That's what the Bible says. No mystery. 

   Whatever the response, when He begins to judge the world on the Day of the Lord, an angel will present our accumulated prayers before God. Rev. 8:3-4. Mysterious. Awesome!   

   When we have flipped our last switch, we want to hear the Lord say, I know you. 

   Don't we? 


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