As we watch with sadness the mayhem occurring in our cities - we've seen this dance before - let's remember that some day this troubled earth will be gone, removed as easily as it was created. A new heaven and earth appears. Revelation 21.
Those whose names are written in the Book of Life (God keeps records) will dwell there with our glorious Creator and the Son forever.
Here, we can't see Almighty God and survive (remember Moses on the mountain?)
There, we will live in his beautiful light.
The old order of things will pass away. To erase all trace of sin, the universe cannot remain in the presence of God's righteous kingdom.
You can read chapter 21 for yourself. We offer a little Bible commentary:
The final goal and expectation of NT faith is a new world.
All the redeemed will have bodies like that of
resurrected Christ, incorruptible, immortal.
resurrected Christ, incorruptible, immortal.
Effects of sin - sorrow, pain, unhappiness, death - gone!
God declares who will inherit the blessings of the
new heavens and earth - the faithful who overcome.
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We were encouraged that the coronavirus may be causing people to reconsider faith. Suddenly, we are reminded that America's biblical foundation is not shared by all. Maybe it never was quite what we thought - love your your to others as you would have them do to yourself...honor one another above yourselves.
What a contrast between two astronauts and hundreds of agitators and outright anarchists, and those who support them.
Can we pray for them? God is "not willing that any should perish."
Hell is infinitely worse than whatever happens to us in this life. Are rioters concerned about George Floyd's eternity? Or their own?