Wednesday, September 19, 2018

The GOP Workers Party    

   One hundred one years ago, Vladimir Lenin returned to St. Petersburg, Russia, founding a movement that claimed to champion ordinary people, the workers. Wealthy Russians lost their property and sometimes their lives.

   What began in 1917 and spread to much of the world soon became anything but friendly to workers. Dictatorships ruled citizens with an iron fist, while touting the economic justice of Marxism. Economies suffered. Tens of millions of people under Communist regimes have been murdered.

   An author, F.H. Buckley, has published The Republican Workers Party, to explain President Trump's approach. Trump himself used the term "Workers Party" at the 2017 CPAC conference, to describe what he wanted the GOP to be. 

   Trump, Buckley says, calls himself a "right-wing Marxist." He sees public policy "through an economic prism." Trump is far more a friend to workers than Communist leaders. 

   Like most countries, America has different classes, and Buckley thinks this is our revolutionary time. He says, 
"It is like 1917, except that now 
it's the Left that is counter-revolutionary, 
wanting to keep things as they are, unjust and unequal."

   "It wasn't free-market capitalism that made us immobile," he says. "Instead, it was all the barriers to advancement that liberals created, through statutes and regulations that place a stumbling block in the path of those who seek to rise." 


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