Monday, September 24, 2018

People to Pray For   

   On Saturday you read our blog about senators who follow different sets of rules, and how their "leadership" unleashes contemptible behavior by some Americans. 

   Since then, we received an article by Marvin Olasky with additional details of the Kavanaugh hearings. 

   Cory Booker and Kamala Harris issued fundraising appeals. Richard Blumenthal told Judge Kavanaugh weeks ago, "You don't belong in this building as a justice. I will be a 'no' vote." Later, he said he needed "more time to review documents."  

   Peggy Nienaber of Faith & Action, a group that prays for officials, attended the hearing. She reported that left-wing activists handed $50 to each person who signed up to scream and shout in the hearing room. 

   On cue, professional protesters stood and screamed. If they were slow to play their part, they received text messages: "Now. Yell now. Yell louder. Yell more." 

   Nienaber says some protesters asked her what she was doing in the hearing room. Her answer, "I pray ... I silently pray and don't look to get arrested." The protesters, confused, walked away. 

   Olasky concludes, "Praying may be the best thing we can do during our age of confusion." 

Help for Poor and Needy
     Since Michael Jackson's death in 2009, his estate's inflation-adjusted earnings total $2.1 billion. In 2017, 17.5 million plastic surgeries and other cosmetic procedures occurred in the USA, costing about $16.7 billion. 

   There is money to help the 2 percent who are truly needy, if we Americans choose to apply our discretionary money differently. It wouldn't have to come from government, which keeps more than half of what we give it. 


Tuesday: Should we fear God?

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